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Pulpit Ministry
Present a growing church at unity working for the Lord Jesus Christ. A church with a dynamic pulpit ministry where:
– The Word is preached under the life-changing, yoke-breaking anointing of the Holy Ghost
– The church is being built up through instruction of the Word of God
– Members are encouraged fellowship with God and each other
Outreach Ministry
Be the church that obeys the great mandate of the Lord Jesus Christ (Matthew 28:19). Being a “go ye” church rather than a “come ye” church. We must have a dynamic outreach ministry that includes street ministry, prison ministry, hospitals, nursing homes, tents, food banks, and all means to reach the lost for Christ.
Provide an education department staffed with qualified anointed teachers who are used of God to:
– Train, equip, and ground the body of Christ to do the work of the ministry
– Prepare leaders/ministers for the present and future
– Empower believers to rightly divide the Word of God
Youth Ministry
Provide a youth ministry that is actively reaching young people for Christ. To have a high energy, Christ-centered, fun-filled program that will establish young people in the faith and train them to live for Christ in a Christ-less society. To keep the faith and to be the church of today and tomorrow.
Provide an edifice large enough to bring God’s choice ministers to the community we are called to serve.